
Blog Posts

Co-parenting with a Narcissist
Parenting is hard work. Co-parenting can be even more daunting. Co-parenting with someone who has a full-blown personality disorder is extremely challenging. They are often inflexible, defensive, and manage the situation in unhealthy ways, it may feel near impossible at times.
Regain Your Self-Respect
Respecting yourself is the first step toward understanding you deserve love, consideration, and opportunities like everyone else. Self-respect is loving yourself and treating yourself with care. It’s the result of staying true to your values and not being willing to compromise.
Common causes of domestic violence in relationship
Anyone who has seen a family destroyed by domestic violence can wonder what would make a person act that way. Many perpetrators of domestic violence strike out without warning. This type of unexpected behavior is relatively common.
Self-care Tips To Heal From Trauma And Abuse
Survivors of abuse can practice some self-care that encourages emotional healing and helps them reconnect with themselves. Read on to learn more about abuse, as well as some self-care tips that foster healing from trauma.
How to Set Boundaries
Boundaries can help you retain a sense of identity and personal space, and they’re easier to create and maintain than you might think.
Gaslighting is a difficult aspect of emotional health. Probably the most common and easiest way to think about gaslighting is when you are psychologically manipulated by someone to question your own sanity.
Healing after an abusive relationship
If you’ve recently left an abusive relationship, you’ve already taken one of the most important steps of the process — leaving. Learning how to heal and take care of yourself after the breakup can help you navigate what comes next.
Signs Of Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse includes any form of sexual violence, including non-consensual sexual contact, rape, incest, and child molestation. Sexual harassment also constitutes sexual abuse, as the victim doesn’t have to be physically touched or experience prolonged sexual assault or contact.
Abuse by proxy
When the abuser can't directly inflict abuse upon his victim, he may find accomplices to do his dirty work. Abusers often use other people to do their dirty work for them; the abuser's social milieu, the victim's social milieu, the System
Rape culture
Rape culture is the social environment that allows sexual violence to be normalized and justified, fuelled by the persistent gender inequalities and attitudes about gender and sexuality. Naming it is the first step to dismantling rape culture.
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