
Blog Posts

Thriving Beyond Abuse: Creating a Life of Joy and Fulfillment
It is possible to rise above the pain and create a life filled with joy and fulfillment.
The Crucial Role of Self-Reflection in Escaping an Abusive Relationship
In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of self-reflection in the context of abusive relationships, understanding how it can empower individuals to regain control, rebuild their lives, and find healing.
The Healing Power of Journaling: Transforming Pain into Empowerment
Among the myriad of therapeutic tools available, one that has proven to be particularly impactful is journaling.
The Power of Financial Independence: Empowering Women to Escape Abusive Relationships
In this blog post, we will explore why women in abusive relationships should have an income and how it can help them escape and build a foundation of strength and autonomy.
Help create a precedent for Cyber Crime
Help Zen with a private prosecution. This type of cybercrime has not yet been prosecuted successfully in South Africa. After having been unsuccessful with the authorities, she must pursue this matter privately.
When a victim shares trauma
When people share their experiences and feelings with someone they trust – or disclose their trauma – it can be an important part of the healing process. Your loved one may not share everything at once, so your response can help lead to future conversations and support them getting treatment.
Signs Someone Is Manipulating You
Are you feeling confused or guilty and not sure why? You could be sensing manipulation. Identifying the signs can help.
We are all entitled to human rights. These include the right to health, education, political participation, economic well-being and freedom from violence, among many others.
Survivor Story: Ena Berger
Ena Berger, a mother to two beautiful children, survived 9 bullets after being shot by a man she loved in 2012.
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Adverse childhood experiences, also known as ACEs, are adverse (negative and impactful) experiences that occur during formative childhood years. These include single traumatic events and ongoing traumatic experiences like abuse.
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