Please consider making a donation to Silent Rights to enable us to keep helping victims of abuse and violence. You can make a donation through paypal here.
There is legislation in place, where a person can apply for a harassment order in court, if this person believe that he/she is illegally targeted by another person and thereby harassed. The process to apply for such an order is similar to that of the protection order process, as a court issue an interim order, after application by as person who feel that he/she is being harassed and there is a court session and if the facts of the harassment can be confirmed, a final order is issued. The serving of such an order will also be done via the SAPS process register [SAPS 264 register] and a return of service is provided by the SAPS official who served the relevant documentation, in order to confirm that the order was indeed served.
The following is important to know about Harassment Orders:
- No pattern is needed, and a first offence can be sufficient for a Harassment Order.
- No relationship is required, and it can be against someone you don’t even know.
- No violence is required.
- Harassment includes the following: messaging; unwanted packages; letters; psychological harm; physical harm, and; financial harm.
Where should I go?
Any court that covers the area in which you live or work, or in which your abuser lives or works, or which covers the area in which any incidents of abuse took place can grant you a protection order. Ordinarily, you should go to the courts during the court hours (weekdays from 8am - 4pm).
To read more about how to apply please read the post about Protection Orders here.
What is harassment?
When a person’s behaviour is so extreme, abusive or rude that it causes harm to another person or makes another person believe that s/he will suffer harm. This may include mental, psychological, physical or financial harm.
Harassment happens when a person does something that may make another person feel uncomfortable, threatened or unsafe.
To read more about what harassment is, click here.

Please consider making a donation to Silent Rights to enable us to keep helping victims of abuse and violence. You can make a donation through paypal here.
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