Help stop internet abuse, and cyber crime in South Africa
Zen Williams, the founder of Rise Against Domestic Violence SA (Rise), an organisation that assists thousands of male and female survivors of domestic violence globally.
She is a survivor of narcissistic abuse, cybercrime, revenge p*rn and domestic abuse.
A website was built and published with very sensitive and private information about her life, including information about my family and friends.
This website destroyed her life and isolated her from everyone she knew, including her little children.
The website had intimate content and a horrifying biography where photographs and videos were posted that devastated her life. She lost her job, her children, her residences, her friends, her family, her credit history, and her vehicle. In addition to this, it ruined her. She was lost, broken, and on her knees from pain and fear.
She had to leave her children in another province owing to the constant internet harassment and sheer shame of what was revealed to the world without her consent or knowledge, which forced her to relocate.
It took her three years to assemble evidence that the authorities would even accept to launch cases; prior to that, she had made several unsuccessful efforts to file investigations.
As a consequence, she had to go to great lengths to open her cases. She has been battling this for years, not just for herself but also for the victims (men and women) who are victimised by the internet, which has become a predators' playground where abusers may inflict harm without consequence, especially when you do not have the funds to stop it or to seek justice for the crimes committed.
She found a law firm, Stuart Laubscher Inc, who is prepared to assist her with proceeding with a private prosecution, this will be the one involving cybercrime. This unfortunately does not come free.
To date, Her and her husband have spent close to R60,000 to other attorneys and legal entities. There are no more monetary resources which they can continue to give. This is their last chance.
It is very important that she file a private prosecution to make sure that what happened to her doesn't happen to other people. We are asking the whole world for help with this.
She is resolved to do this not only for herself but for the greater good, so perpetrators are aware of the possibility of resistance. We cannot sit idly by and let abusers continue harming innocent people and then walk away because the internet conceals their identities.
Please see below link for confirmed campaign which has been verified via Zen’s attorney and Back a Buddy.