Silent Rights | Are You in an Abusive Relationship? | Narcissist Abuse Resources

Blog Posts

Nurturing Emotional Intelligence: Managing Aggression in Children
Childhood aggression can be a challenging issue for parents to address. Aggressive behavior in children can range from hitting, biting, and tantrums to verbal aggression and bullying. The good news is that with patience, understanding, and the right strategies, parents can help their child manage and redirect their aggression, reducing the risk of them growing up to be aggressors or abusers.
How Talking About Your Abuse Can Help You Heal
Healing from trauma and abuse is a journey that requires immense courage, resilience, and support. One powerful tool in this journey is the act of sharing your experiences with others. While it might seem daunting, opening up about your abuse can bring forth profound healing and growth.
Harnessing the Healing Power of Affirmations with Action After Abuse
Healing from the trauma of abuse is a journey that demands strength, patience, and the right tools. One such tool that has gained prominence in recent years is the practice of combining affirmations with actionable steps. This dynamic approach empowers survivors to not only reshape their mindset but also take tangible strides towards recovery and self-empowerment.
Recognizing the Signs: Identifying Domestic Abuse Patterns
In order to effectively address the issue of domestic abuse, it is crucial to be able to recognize the signs and patterns that indicate its presence. Domestic abuse encompasses various forms of physical, emotional, psychological, and sexual abuse that can occur within intimate relationships. By understanding the warning signs, we can help support victims and take steps towards preventing further harm.